
Memories provide a record of our past experiences that contributes to our understanding of who we are. However, they can also serve as “building blocks” for forms of flexible cognition including future event imagination, reasoning, and creativity. Using behavioral and neuroimaging methods, I examine how improvements in memory processes contribute to the development of these other important abilities. I seek to not only understand their development, function, and intersection, but also how we might leverage this knowledge to promote positive outcomes in children from diverse backgrounds.

PLEASE NOTE: I moved to the Psychology Department at the University of Illinois Chicago the fall of 2024, where I have started the FLAME (Future, Learning, And MEmory) Lab! New lab website coming soon!


Development of a flexible episodic memory system

Episodic memory supports not only our ability to remember individual events, but also forms of flexible cognition that benefit from remembering multiple events. How discrete events are encoded, organized, and retrieved relative to one another thus impacts these other abilities. Part of my research examines developmental differences in these relational features of episodic memory and the neurocognitive mechanisms that underlie them. Some specific questions include:


Ashley Humphries

Research Assistant, Honors Student

Aeslyn Kail

Research Assistant, Honors Student

Tashya Makani

Research Assistant


Resources for Students

HOW TO Get involved in research as an undergraduate student

Getting your first position as an undergraduate research assistant in a lab can be a daunting task.  I remember not knowing where to begin!  My intent for this video is to demystify the process, and to help you get a research position that is fulfilling and that will help you along your career path – whether it be in acadamia, industry, or something else entirely! Best of Luck – You’ve got this!